How the Founding Partner and CEO of Gateway Group of Companies and Forbes Top 100 Most Influential Women of the Middle East Jenny Hunt helps Businesses Thrive
Setting up a company abroad is not easy thing: you need to know what jurisdiction your business falls under, understand the process to follow and the timings, and most importantly, get the right advice. To do so you need to rely on efficient and competent people who make your venture hassle-free, ensuring step by step in a timely manner.
Jenny started her career as an employee in the UAE and while working found out there was a niche in the market to develop a business focused on helping other people set up their own business, guiding them towards the right procedures while guaranteeing a solid communication channel and process transparency.
After founding The Gateway Group of Companies she was recognized as one of the 100 Most Influential Women in the Middle East listed by Forbes, a successful accomplishment she happened to discover by chance from her network of connections.
But success for Jenny is in first place realizing that she is making her customers’ businesses thrive having addressed them in the right direction and act like an extension of their Team for everything related to setup and organization.
If you happen to be in need of such services for your brand-new business in Abu Dhabi, get in touch with Jenny!