''Continue to Choose Education'' Jordana’s motto, Director Dubai EMBA Programme at London Business School
If you do think of an international career, you bet Jordana...
‘Avoid decisions based purely on money’ - Interviewing Josh Busteed, Chief Commercial Officer for Arabian Radio Network
All the way from Sydney, Josh was scouted...
Ambition Vs Patience - The ethics of doing business with Gabriel Nassar, Managing Director for Geberit Gulf
Gabriel is the Managing Director for Geberit...
''Success is Progress'' Azizi Executive Director Sandeep Jaiswal highlights the importance of taking risks in your career
Sandeep is a professional in the field of Real...
It all started in Kuwait, where I was born and raised, and had a curiosity why we do the things we do and buy the things we buy. At the time, mainstream was the norm, and we all pretty much thought, acted, ate, bought and even watched more or less the same things.
Managing Director of Tourism Hub, a Branding and Marketing Agency based in Turin, Italy, Matteo is a seasoned marketer and entrepreneur with a passion for communications.
Sustainability seen as a way to rise again in a post-pandemic phase. A way to restart by thinking on the environment, which we have been seeing completely transformed in the last few months of coexistence with Covid-19.